Yoga Deck Printable
Pose Bank to Build Yoga Sequence

Yoga Deck Printable
Pose Bank to Build Yoga Sequence

Yoga Deck Printable
Pose Bank to Build Yoga Sequence

Plan and build your next yoga class with a yoga deck printables.

yoga deck printable yoga poses
yoga deck printable yoga poses

Yoga Pose Bank Printables

Plan Sequences for Your Yoga Class

Great for yoga teachers or studio owners who are looking for a yoga pose bank to plan their next class.

Build Your Own At Home Practice

Great for yogis or yoga teachers looking to tap into their creativity, and build their own self practice at home.

Study Asanas At Your Own Pace

Great for students undergoing Yoga Teacher Trainings (YTT) to learn about the sanskirt of each yoga poses.

What's inside?

What's inside?

  • Beautiful illustrations of basic asanas for you to mix and match

  • Benefits and usage of each asana

  • Name in English and sanskrit

How to use this yoga deck?

How to use this yoga deck?

Step 1:
Download our printables, and print them at home (works well for blank and white, but ideally in colours)

Step 2:
Cut them into card deck sizes based on the dotted line provided in the free printables

Step 3:
Laminate the cards to ensure it lasts longer, and if you plan to bring it with you on the go.